A Weakness For Something Fried!

Going vegetarian doesn’t need to be difficult. I went vegetarian over twelve years ago and not once did I have a  craving for meat. That´s pretty incredible since in the past I was called by my friends,¨Captain BBQ¨ and ¨King Carnivore¨ The only craving I felt was for something fried, like french fries or onion rings.  A Weakness For Something Fried!, hot, and a little bit greasy.

Cooking the Tortillas, Tortillas Hecha a Mano

Hey man, where can I buy some tortillas?

What do you mean “Hey man, where can I buy some tortillas?” you live in Mexico, don’t you? Yes, but the question still remains.  Even though tortillas are sold on almost every street corner, the truth is, not all tortillas are created equal. A little history is needed.

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